
Conjoint Analysis

The most powerful Pricing & Product Research Methodology!
Choice-based Conjoint Analysis unlocks Feature Preference and Feature Importance learnings, as well as Price Elasticity and Willingness to Pay measures. Interactive Market and Price Optimization Simulators help you visualize customer behavior captured using real-world trade-off decisions.

Applications of Choice-based Conjoint

Our Choice-based Conjoint solution is ideal for not only capturing customer preferences and price sensitivity learnings, but to actively optimize your propositions using fully interactive, user friendly simulators.

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Unlock actionable insights for Use Cases such as:

Product Development:

  • What product features are preferred the most or least by which customer segment?
  • What features of my product do my competitors' customers value the most or least?
  • What features of my competitors' products do my customers value the most or least?
  • Who will pay how much for my new product feature?
  • Where is my product positioned in the marketplace versus competitors?
  • What is my product's brand value perception?
  • What product feature should I focus my messaging on?
  • Could I generate incremental revenue through product versioning?
  • What is my product's optimal pack/volume size?


  • What is my launch price?
  • Which market segments will be most and least agreeable to price increases?
  • What’s the revenue maximizing price for my product?
  • What’s the profit maximizing price for my product?
  • What price promotion will generate the most success among target customers?
  • What should I do if my competitor implements an aggressive discount?
  • What is my customers' price sensitivity across a range of prices?
  • How price sensitive are my competitor's customers?
  • What pricing model, e.g., subscription, will generate the most revenue?
  • What price should I charge in a new international market?

Customer Insights:

  • How can I add value to my internal Product and Pricing stakeholders decision-making?
  • Are we offering the right product to the right customer segment?
  • Is our segmentation due to be refreshed post Covid?
  • Have any competitors a strategic advantage over us?
  • Are there any new trends emerging?
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Highlights of EPIC Conjoint

Conjoint Analysis should not be rocket science!

With our extremely user-friendly survey platform and exceptional customer support, companies can unlock revenue-enhancing insights using best-in-class simulators and intuitive charts. The world’s leading brands trust EPIC Conjoint due to it’s unrivalled ability to precisely capture Price Elasticites from real-world trade-off decisions.

Full-Service Survey Process

Your personal EPIC Conjoint expert is by your side during all stages of the survey project (design, distribution, analysis).

Actionable outputs and intuitive tools

Focus on what really matters: Actionable survey results generated within 1-3 business days, presented in intuitive charts

Segment level insights

There is no such thing as an average customer: Use our customizable filters to unlock insights at either a market segment or individual respondent level.

EPIC Conjoint has given us one of the missing pieces in our drive to offer a full suite of agile insight tools to our business – the ability to conduct sophisticated conjoint tests as quickly as we might evaluate a concept or creative.


Powerful Insights

Applying state-of-the art scientific approaches matched with an industry-leading UX, our Choice-based Conjoint tool provides interactive insights such as...


Relative Feature Level Preference
Easily identify your target group’s most preferred product features.


Relative Feature Importance
Learn, which product features have the biggest influence on your customers purchase decision!


Price Elasticity
Evaluate your brand’s pricing power by discovering the price sensitivity of your target group!


Market Simulator
Simulate a market of competing products and easily discover volume shares and take rates. Conceptualize optimal product specifications, develop a winning go-to-market strategies, and more!


Price Optimization Simulator
Identify revenue maximizing offers in a competitive market - and find the ideal balance between winning market shares and price increases!

How Choice-based Conjoint works


Conjoint Analysis presents products in a holistic way and asks respondents to make realistic trade-off decisions between competing offers.

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  • Follow an intuitive step-by-step guide to set up a survey
  • Populate a Concept Matrix with up to 10 tested Concepts with 8 features
  • EPIC Conjoint creates unique product variants with different features, which are presented to the participant as one holistic product.
  • Respondents are presented with multiple choice cards so each unique feature combination is tested among all respondents
  • From these trade-off decisions, EPIC Conjoint determines how purchase likelihoods are influenced by various product features, such as brand, price, or technical attributes.
  • Add an unlimited number of additional questions to your Conjoint survey, capturing all the customer feedback you are interested in!

Get started with Choice-based Conjoint today and discuss your project with your personal EPIC Conjoint expert!